Gale Virtual Reference Library (e-books) Gale eBooks
More than 100 searchable full-text reference books in various disciplines, including history and the social sciences.  Great for primary sources.
EBSCO Ebooks
Thousands of scholarly Ebooks in all categories, useful for history and art history research projects.
Salem Press Online (e-books) Salem Press Online (e-books)
A robust database of content from Salem's printed reference books. A wide variety of topics in history and science. Many primary sources.
ABC-CLIO (e-books) ABC-CLIO (e-books)
Searchable full-text reference of books (history, film, sports) found in the HW Library's print collection.
Infobase - Facts on File (e-books) Infobase - Facts on File (e-books)
Searchable full-text collection of 63 books on world and United States history and politics.
Loeb Classical Library
Full text of Greek and Latin Classical texts, including those used in Latin classes. Sign in, and you can save texts and make annotations.


Over 2,000 academic journals and thousands of monographs in many disciplines dating as far back as the early 1800's.
Full text and images. Useful for history and English papers.
You can create or update a personal account by logging in through Google with your HW username and password.


Newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals, including scholarly journals. Useful for History papers.

Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Mudd Library subscribes to the complete collection of Oxford Research Encyclopedias. They offer long-form overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. Good for research papers when seeking scholarly articles.

The world's leading journal of original scientific research, global news, and commentary.
Science Online 1997 - current
Science Classic 1880 - 1996


Current issues of Los Angeles Times - Use passcode HWL23 when prompted.

New York Times

Access to the New York Times, except for the Games and Cooking. You can create your own user name and password by clicking through this link, then go to the site directly once you've created a personal log-in.


Newspapers and magazines -- including The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and hundreds of others. Useful for doing research for journalism, primary source content, interviews, and niche topics specific to local areas. 

Please email Ms. Wahl to get access information.


Historical Statistics of the United States
An invaluable source for quantitative facts of American history.



An innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information.


Dictionary of American History Dictionary of American History3rd Edition
Authoritative work on a wide variety of topics from the familiar to the obscure. Useful for background information for history papers.
Oxford Art Online - Including Grove Dictionary of Art Oxford Art Online - Including Grove Dictionary of Art
Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art. Use these dictionaries for looking up allusions in reading for English or specific artists/artistic movements.
Oxford English Dictionary Oxford English Dictionary
The OED. The Dictionary of Dictionaries -- with full etymological records, time lines, and comprehensive definitions that show the history of the English language. Great resource for close reading in English class.
Oxford Handbooks Online
Critical essays and research, useful for junior and senior history papers. 



Oxford Music Online
Oxford Music Online
Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, The Oxford Dictionary of Music. Use these dictionaries to get a better understanding of artistic movements, music theory, and allusions in reading for English classes.
Oxford Reference (e-books)

Oxford Reference Premium(e-books)

 A vast record of full-text reference books, including dictionaries in international dialects of English and other languages, including Business French and Business Spanish. Includes the Oxford Companion to series in humanities, history, science, and art/music. Good for background research on any research paper.

Oxford Research Encyclopedias

Mudd Library subscribes to the complete collection of Oxford Research Encyclopedias. They offer long-form overview articles written, peer-reviewed, and edited by leading scholars. Good for research papers when seeking scholarly articles.


Black Newspaper Collection

  • Atlanta Daily World—1931-2010
  • The Baltimore Afro-American—1893-2010
  • Chicago Defender—1910-2010
  • Cleveland Call & Post—1934-2010
  • Kansas City Call —1919-2010
  • Los Angeles Sentinel—1934-2010
  • Louisville Defender—1951-2010
  • Michigan Chronicle—1939-2010
  • New York Amsterdam News—1922-2010
  • The Norfolk Journal & Guide—1916-2010
  • The Philadelphia Tribune—1912-2010
  • Pittsburgh Courier—1911-2010

Jewish Newspapers

  • The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger—1857-1922
  • The American Israelite—1854-2000
  • The Jewish Advocate—1905-1990
  • Jewish Exponent—1887-1990

Communist Newspaper Collection

Publications of the Communist Party USA, 1919-2013

 International Newspaper Collection

Multiple perspectives on historical research. Le Monde, The Times of India, Hindustan Times, The Scotsman, The Jerusalem Post, The Guardian, The Observer, London Evening Standard, The South China Morning Post, Korea Times, Weekly Irish Times, Chinese Newspapers Collection

 Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals

Covers Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice – workers’ rights, organized labor, labor strikes, WWII, Nazi atrocities, McCarthyism, Civil Rights, and modern-day class struggles, which have led to a renewed interest in alternative social organizations.

 U.S. Major Daily Newspapers, Historical

Chicago Tribune, LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, 1849-2019


Academic Video Online

Collection of educational videos, including filmed Shakespeare and other theatrical performances useful for English and theatre classes. Previously known as Alexander Street Collection. 

Columbia Grangers world of poetry Columbia Granger's World of Poetry
Full text of over 250,000 poems in English and other languages. Includes biographies, commentaries, history and criticism, and audio readings.
Oxford Art Online - Including Grove Dictionary of Art Oxford Art Online - Including Grove Dictionary of Art
Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art.
Oxford Music Online Oxford Music Online
Grove Music Online, The Oxford Companion to Music, The Oxford Dictionary of Music.


CQ Press Library
CQ Researcher

Resources on American government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, etc.


The world's leading journal of original scientific research, global news, and commentary.
Science Online 1997 - current
Science Classic 1880 - 1996




Assists in building outlines, bibliographic citations, and flash cards.

The OWL The OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University. This link is to their Chicago Manual of Style research and citation guide.