Senior Independent Study is an opportunity for seniors to structure a substantial learning experience in place of traditional course work. Any student in good academic standing may submit a proposal to the Senior Independent Study Committee for work to be carried out during one semester of the senior year. The independent study may replace an elective course although it commonly is undertaken in addition to the student’s normal senior program. Past independent studies have included scientific research projects, historical research papers, creative writing, and the production of plays and films. Contact Brad Holmes, Senior Independent Study Committee Chair, for more information.

Current Harvard-Westlake Students can view these projects here.

24-25 Fall Semester Senior Independent Study Projects

Nathaniel Arnold

Nathaniel Arnold

Music Creation: From Start to Finish

Aiden Ahuja

Aiden Ahuja

Telling a Story Through Music

Hugh Cheng

Hugh Cheng

Game Theory

Sasha Gadalov

Sasha Gadalov

The Cultural Significance and Perceptions of Emigres from Tzar Russia/Soviet Union/Modern Russia in Hollywood from 1917-present

Pranav Iyer

Pranav Iyer

Electrochemical Cell Design

Margaret Pritzker

Margaret Pritzker

The impacts of diet culture on the mental and physical health of adolescents and adults

Will Putzer

Will Putzer

Aspirin – A Study in Total Organic Synthesis

Arielle Trakhtenberg

Arielle Trakhtenberg

The Roman Era: How Roman Abramovich’s Chelsea Helped Russia Wage War

John Xu

John Xu

AI Agricultural Drone for Weed-Killing